Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Keep Romance Alive in Long Distance Relationship

Is the heat in your long distance relationship fizzling? Do your letters to each other read more like weather reports instead of romance novels? Do you find yourself talking to your love the same way a phone call with your mother sounds? This article will help you to reinitiate the “longing” into your long distance relationship. The first thing I would like to address is the subject of letters. The written word is the all important glue that holds a love story together, especially one that spans miles. Letter writing, specifically love letters, have become a lost art in these technology advanced days. With all of the love songs based on such postal treasures, you would think that more people would take the hint. There is nothing more exciting then to find a envelope with that familiar handwriting on it amongst all of the bills after a long day. The anticipation of sitting down and reading something so personal, in private, is one of the best things in a long distance relationship, second only to actually seeing each other. In fact it can produce the same butterfly effect as a, long waited for, visit. The excitement is short lived, however, if it is only found to contain the same things that were just discussed last night. Letters are about what’s missing without the other person being there, not what’s actually going on in their absence. A true love letter encompasses all of the emotions being apart creates. It is filled with words of love and lust, of loneliness and longing. Save the activities of work and free time for other forms of communication. Don’t know how to write such epic poetry? Then find a card that says it all for you or a few of them so you’ll have weeks of material to send. Don’t have time to even search for cards? Then grab some of the postcards that are found in the front of many stores, coffee shops and gas stations. What you write on the back can funny, romantic or down-right lustful. It’s all to you. I’ll give you an example. Let’s say the front has a beautiful picture of the sun setting over the ocean. You’re caption could read Ever been skinny dipping?- Or- I long for the future when we’ll be able to watch every sunset together.- Or- Us, a bottle of wine, some strawberries, no cups, no plates, and it being to dark for others to see. Don’t have a flare for such things? Then you can simply write: This made me think of you. I am not talking flowing prose here (at least not all the time), just avoid the standard this is how my day went format. Things of an informational nature should be left for e-mails, instant messages and phone calls. Speaking of phone calls and the beloved internet- I want to point out that it doesn’t hurt to spice things up every once and while in these areas either. A sexy message left on your significant other’s voice mail can be a sweet surprise mixed in with all the standard call backs. The same goes for e-mails. Even a short- I was just thinking about you- can brighten up anyone’s long day. As for instant messages, just make sure that your partner really is the one on the computer (With all these automatic sign ins- you never know) and that he is alone, before typing anything to racy or gushy. Unless you want to end up in one of those Most Embarrassing Moments sections of a well-known magazine.

taken from

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