Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Important Factors of Healthy Relationships

There are many important factors of healthy relationships, honesty, respect, trust, love, commitment and kindness to name a few. Without all of these, relationships struggle to succeed. In the world today, lasting relationships are becoming a thing of the past. Separation and divorce have replaced those long lasting partnerships.

Honesty is one of the values that seem to have lost credibility. Honesty means saying what is true and fact, even if that truth hurts. By becoming someone that your partner wants you to be, you are no longer being honest. If you can't be who you are with your partner, the factor of dishonesty continues to grow and grow. Being honest with yourself is a very difficult thing to do at times.

When honesty is present, then respect follows very closely. Respect is necessary in any relationship. It doesn't matter if it is a love relationship, family, business or friends. To respect another person, is not to control their lives. It is more to encourage them to grow personally. Respect is a two way street, it has to be given to be received and is most likely earned. Without it, there is mere control in the relationship.

After being hurt in relationships, trust is a challenge to give again. It is a vital thing for a relationship to work. It is hard to give trust again after having been hurt. To trust is to take a risk, and without these risks, it's almost as if you don't really live, just exist. But after your trust has been betrayed, those risks are the farthest thing from your mind. Trusting yourself after a betrayal is the first thing that has to be overcome. You question yourself about your ability to make good decisions as far as whom to trust.

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