Sunday, July 27, 2008

Follow It To Happiness

There comes a time in all of our lives when we are looking for some good love advice. Don't you agree? As you can tell if you browse around this site, there's nothing to lose by asking for help.

We don't fall in love every day, so when we do, we sure don't want to mess it up! This is why you need to consider our helpful words of wisdom. After all, a bit of love advice can go a long way if it comes from a good source, and the best source - like this one. Got it? Don't doubt it. Realize that true love is clicks of the mouse away.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Remind your love back!

Romance does not just happen... it is a state of mind, not a single action or event. It is an attitude of love, tenderness, and preference that needs to be daily reinforced."

Many men and women wonder, "How can I be more romantic?" It is as if we expect an easy answer,The truth is that romance does not just happen. Real-life relationships are not a string of magical moments, like the scenes in the movies. Romance isn't something saved for Valentine's Day, your anniversary, or your beloved's birthday. If you truly want to become a romantic, you have to remember romance is a state of mind, not a single action or event. It is an attitude of love, tenderness, and preference that needs to be daily reinforced.Here are two quick little ways you can creatively express your love and commitment to your significant other every day:

Everlasting Bouquet and Sweets to the Sweet

Make a small habit your personal expression of "I love you." It might be his favorite candy or her favorite flowers. Bringing flowers home is often reserved for apologizing after a fight. Make flowers a continual sign of your love for your significant other! Pick wildflowers, pull a magnolia bloom or clip a rose. Give her one flower every other day to create a bouquet that lasts forever! Mix the flowers up for different seasons or to show your feelings as the days go on. Does he have a favorite candy? Carry butterscotches or peppermints, chocolate, whatever he really likes. Leave them on his pillow, in his pocket, on his desk.

Another small gift that carries great meaning is a love note. There is something warm and wonderful about seeing your loved one's handwriting. Leave little notes for your significant other to find. Be creative in your hiding places -- jacket pockets, inside books or magazines, in their lunch bag. Write simple notes, how much you miss them while they're away at work or school, how much they bring to your life, or just a note to say "I love you."

Being romantic isn't just something your should reserve for certain times of the year. Daily practice of your romantic skills will have long-lasting benefits in your relationships, life, happiness, and family.

taken from

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Is Your Friendship Moving Towards Love?

What is the difference between a friendship and an emotional affair? Is an emotional affair wrong? Does an emotional affair help a relationship by letting a partner vent out all emotional frustration, which otherwise they would not have done with his/her partner? Or does it kill the relationship? How to know if a friendship is proceeding towards and emotional affair?

Let us find out what happens in life of Jack and Jeanette, a lovely couple. They courted for many years and then decided that they wanted to live together. They were in love and they felt that it was time to cement the relationship by living together and having children. The first few months of their life together was smooth but as time passed the strain of living together started showing up? They were trying to sort out the issues, but during that time Jeanette happened to meet her old friend Ronald.

Ronald was a good friend of Jeanette in the college and Jeanette used to take his advice for all her problems. When Jeanette met Ronald she thought that she should talk to Ronald about her relationship with Jack. She should have not done that at all. She was already trying to sort out her issues talking with Jack and she should have continued talking to Jack only. But after talking to Ronald it looked as if Jack was the opposition to Jeanette.

This began changing equations of the relationship. Jeanette's relationship with Ronald slowly changed to emotional relationship and ultimately she broke away with Jack. A relationship was destroyed because Jeanette crossed a boundary. She discussed something very personal with Ronald. In any relationship, the issues of relationship should never be discussed with any body else unless the break up looks imminent. Jeanette was a friend of Ronald. Ronald should have never been allowed to enter the issues of her relationship with Jack. If you are making any such blunder, please avoid.

taken from

Dating Older Women

The reasons why some men date older women are as varied as the women themselves....

These women, because of their experience, often have more wisdom and self-assurance than younger women -- perhaps they may also possess more self-reliance and tolerance.

“Some men receive mentoring from older women, who have had more relationship experience and often understand men well.”

Some men receive mentoring from older women, who have had more relationship experience and often understand men well. Clearer about who they are and what they want, "older women" may even have an advantage in the dating arena.
In some cases, having a relationship with an older woman may work for men who don't want children.
So, for you men who've fallen head-over-heels in love with an older woman, I've developed nine tips on how to enjoy your newly found romance:
1. Be a gentleman.
An older woman wants to be treated with respect, like any woman does. While she might attracted to your rebelliousness or youthful attitude, she still wants you to treat her with good manners.
2. Don't get ahead of yourself.
Don't worry about the future until you actually might have one. Take your time and allow the relationship to develop.
3. Stay calm.
You may be excited, but don't overdo it. Have fun and enjoy your dates, but don't come on too strong. She has some reservations, too.
4. Be charming.
Don't underestimate how powerful your smile can be. Use it often, make eye contact, and keep the conversation flowing. Pay attention to what interests you about your date, and show interest in her opinions, experiences, and activities. Be complementary whenever possible, and respond intelligently to whatever she says.
5. Don't focus on looks.
Give complements, but focus less on her physical appearance -- she may be anxious about it. And even if you're complementary, she may worry that you're too focused on looks. She wants to be appreciated for who she is, including her intellect and style. Compliments like "That color is lovely on you," or "You look great tonight" are safer than "You're in great shape."
6. Have fun.
Keep your dates simple and have a good time. Focus on being pleasant, and not getting too far ahead of the relationship. Refrain from talking too long about any one subject without inviting a comment from your date.
7. Keep conversation interesting and light.
Feel free to talk about anything, including your personal lives, past relationships, and love in general, but don't be the one who brings up the intimate topics first. Be wary of prying too deeply into her private life and secrets, unless the information is voluntarily offered.
8. Avoid talking too much about yourself.
Keep your focus on learning about your date. Dole out the boring information about yourself. Punctuate your conversation with questions: "What do you think?" "Has it been that way for you?"
9. Pay attention!
Listen to answers to your questions. You have things to learn here! Seek to get to know each other better. No matter how thrilled you may be about her, listening to what she says, watching what she does, and understanding how she feels are the most important things you can do.

taken from

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Lust is always mistaken as love. Lust is passion. Lust is desire. Lust is therefore not love. It can be difficult for the inexperienced to distinguish between the two emotions. Especially, in the beginning of a relationship when sexual feelings are stronger.


Love is the emotional attachment in a relationship. Love is the sincere feeling of affection and devotion that you have for your partner. It is a deep, profound, and pure emotion that does not sway easily. Love is an emotion that can take years to build up and can only be felt for someone you hold dear.


And then there is lust. Lust can be felt towards anybody with a sufficient amount of sexual appeal. Lust is so sensual in it's raw nature of being and can be formed instantly. It is a strong, excessive craving for sexual intimacy that can be difficult to control.

It is probably lust if sex is the main basis of your relationship. Can't keep your hands off each other? Is sex the only thing that you look forward to with this person? It is probably lust. A relationship founded on lust will only last as long as the two people involved are sexually attracted to one another; this can wear off fast.

taken from


Finding out if what you have is true love can be tricky. Feelings must be analyzed before they can be identified for what they truly are. The best way to find out how you really feel about someone is to sit down and dissect the relationship.

Signs Of Not Real Love

Possible signs that it isn't true love is you...

  • think of your partner as absolutely perfect
  • are concerned with your needs first
  • need to spend all your free time with your partner
  • quickly became infatuated with your partner
  • tend to be jealous easily
  • can't come to a compromise after fighting
  • Signs Of A True Love
  • Possible signs that what you have may be true love is you...

    • accept your partner and their flaws
    • are concerned with your partner's needs first
    • are comfortable being apart from one another
    • slowly fell for your partner
    • trust your partner completely
    • are able to resolve a fight and grow stronger through it

    taken from

    Monday, July 14, 2008

    Love at First Sight

    Let's say you get lucky tomorrow and spot a Potential Love Partner. He or she is sitting on the steps reading a book. Or standing in a museum studying a painting. Or getting on the bus. Or waiting in line at the bank cash machine. You sneak a second peek. Something about the stranger revs up your internal PEA factory, and a little dollop goes squirting through your veins. Maybe it's her looks, the way he moves, something she's wearing. Her aura? Is this love at first sight? Does love at first sight even exist?

    Well, that's a semantics question. Instant desire, or lust at first sight, definitely exists. However, the scientific world pretty well agrees that love at first sight is merely Monday-morning quarterbacking. A successful love affair, perhaps one leading to marriage, is retrospectively declared to be true love; whereas if one is rebuffed, it is classified . . . as infatuation.'' Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality Semantics aside, one fact remains. Any small stimulus can kick-start love. Your first moves when

    Love Partner are crucial. If, from that powerful stimulus, love grows, you have every right to call it love at first sight. Nobody will argue with you. Love at first sight has survived because it is an integral part of the many popular beliefs about romantic love. Romantic love is an important cultural value to Americans. In the same way that a voodoo curse causes death only in persons who believe in its power to kill them, love at first sight truly exists for those who believe in it.

    A man may be classified as a breast man, a buttocks man, or a leg man. And, although many women will insist otherwise, most women are certified butt watchers. (This is not just idle conjecture: a British study determined that these are people's favorite eyeball destinations.) But researchers have ascertained that everybody is an eye person. When you were a teenager being reluctantly or otherwise introduced to strangers, your parents probably told you, "Look right into their eyes."

    And then they would tell you in no uncertain terms that any of the aforementioned anatomical locations were strictly off limits. Powerful eye contact immediately stimulates strong feelings of affection. This was proved once and for all in a study called "The Effects of Mutual Gaze on Feelings of Romantic Love." Researchers put forty-eight men and women who didn't know each other in a big room. They gave them directions on how much eye contact to have with their partners during casual conversation. Afterward, the researchers asked each participant how he or she felt about the various people they had spoken with.

    Let's say that in less technical language: Locking eyeball to eyeball with the attractive stranger helps put the match to the flame of love. Why does eye contact have such fiery consequences? Anthropologist Helen Fisher says it is basic animal instinct. Direct eye contact triggers "a primitive part of the human brain, calling forth one of two basic emotions—approach or retreat." Unrelenting eye contact creates a highly emotional state similar to fear. When you look directly and potently into someone's eyes, his or her body produces chemicals like phenylethylamine, or PEA, that jolts the sensation of being in love. Thus, making strong, almost threateningly intense eye contact with your Quarry is one of the first steps in making him or her fall in love with you. People look lingeringly at sights they like and quickly avert their eyes from those they don't. We enjoy gazing for long, lazy hours into a cozy fire, yet our hands jerk up to shield our eyes from an atrocious movie scene. It's the same when looking at people. We gaze lovingly at our lovers, yet avert our eyes from unpleasant, ugly, or dull people. When someone bores us, the first part of our body to escape is our eyes. I'm acutely aware of this phenomenon during my speeches. Whenever I drone on too long about a particular point, audience members bury their noses in their notes. Inspecting their manicures takes on prime importance. Some even nod off. When I get back on track, their eyes flutter up like butterflies returning to the sunshine after a rainstorm.

    Another, almost opposite, factor that blocks good eye contact is shyness. The more someone overwhelms us, the more we avoid his or her eyes. Very low-ranking employees often avert their gaze from the big boss. If we meet someone extraordinarily handsome, beautiful, or accomplished, we tend to do the same. In my seminars, I strive to make eye contact with everyone in the audience. However, if there is an especially handsome man in the sea of faces, I often find myself avoiding his gaze. I look into the eyes of everybody but him. Then, realizing the folly of my ways, I force myself to look into the eyes of Very Attractive Male, and BLAM! My heart skips a beat. I sometimes lose my train of thought. I stutter. Powerful stuff, this eye contact.

    How Much Eye Contact Does It Take to Imitate Love?
    A British scientist determined that, on the average, when talking, people look at one another only to 60 percent of the time. This is not enough to rev up the engines of love at first sight. While he was still a graduate student at the University of Michigan, a prominent psychologist named Zick Rubin became fascinated with how to measure love. Later, at Harvard and Brandeis, the romantic young researcher produced the first psychometrically based scale to determine how much affection couples felt for each other. It became known as Rubin's Scale and, to this day, many social psychologists use it to determine people's feelings for each other. In his study on the ''Measurement of Romantic Love," Zick Rubin found that people who were deeply in love gaze at each other much more when talking and are slower to look away when somebody intrudes in their world.17 He confirmed this through a trick experiment. He asked dating couples a long series of questions so he could first rate the pairs on how much they loved each other. The couples, unaware of their rating, were then put in a waiting room and told, "The experimenter will be with you shortly to start the experiment." Unbeknownst to them, that was the experiment. Hidden cameras recorded how much time the couples spent staring into each other's eyes. The higher the couple had scored on the first test, the more time they spent looking at each other. The less love they felt for each other, the less time they made eye contact.

    To give your Quarry the subliminal sense that the two of you are already in love (a self-fulfilling prophecy), dramatically increase your eye contact while the two of you are chatting. Push it up to 75 percent of the time or more if you want to get the PEA gushing through his or her veins. The extra seconds of eye contact speak silent volumes. To a woman, the volumes will read,"Beautiful lady, I am intrigued by you. I am fascinated by what you are saying." A man might interpret the increased eye contact as, "I'm ravenous for you. I can't wait to tear your clothes off and have you make mad passionate love to me." You must, however, look right into your Quarry's eyes if you want to excite those feelings of love at first sight. Not at his eyebrows, not at the bridge of her nose—look right into those baby blues, browns, grays, or greens. Pretend you're admiring the optic nerve behind the eyeballs. Wisdom for the ages gleaned from The King and I is "Whistle a happy tune, and you will be happy." Likewise, give off signals of the two of you being in love, and your Quarry will feel sensations of love.

    taken from

    Wet and Wild in the Sun

    On Friday, July 11th, we went to Solo with our friends. We planned to go at 8.00 am. But you know teenagers mostly always come late.. Hehe. At 8.00 pm we, Aisa and Vaut waited Aryana. She came to Amy's House at 8.15 am. After she came, we went to our school, Loyola College, for stamping our graduation certificates. We had to wait Q-Thyl. She promised to come at 9.00 am. But you know, she came late, at 9.20 am. Hehe.. :). We went directly to pick up Jom2 at his house. And now everything was complete. It took about 3.5 hours to go to Solo because we stopped first at Salatiga to buy some snacks for us and for driver too. Oopss. I forget something. Before going, Amy' oma and Amy's mom told us to come back at 4.00 pm the last. If we couldn't go home at that time we should spend the night at Solo.. Hehe.. I think thats a good ide. Haha :). Ok , back to he story. Along the trip, inside the car Vaut, Qthyl and Jom2 sang together and the other only heard them.. Hehe.. We also talked each other about school, university, friends, and the others. At 12.30 pm we arrived at Solo and we ate directly because we were hungry. After eating we went to ESES to look and buy some clothes. At 2 o'clock we decided to go to Pandawa Water World because you know Oma and Mami's Advice, don't you? Hehe. :). Ok. It took 5 minutes from ESES to Pandawa. So after buying tickets we went inside directly. And.... There was an accident. We can't bring any food and drink inside... So we had to put our foods and drinks inside the car... :( .. Oh... We changed our clothes as soon as possible. But Amy and her friends took almost half and an hour to change their clothes. They also had to back to car to put sun block. While waiting them, Daniel and Jom2 played first. We played a lot of things such us Black Hole, Waved Pool, Jacuzzi, Raft Slide, Racer Side. But, we love Raft Slide very much.. We played till 4.45 pm and we took photo also. These are some photos we took.. Take a look

    Ok.. After taking photo we took a bath, changed our clothes and went home... That's very nice experince for us. Although we swam when the sun light was very hot but it's really made us wet and wild. :) We arrived at home at 9.30 pm.. Ok.. Thank you Solo for giving us a nice holiday.. Ehm.. We also plan to come back on August... :) . Bye...

    The Concerto in Concert : Doraemon , Nobita and Dinosaurs

    On Thursday, July 10th 2008, Amy had a concert with her friends in The Concerto. The concert was planned will be started at 6.30 pm. So we went to Citraland mall, the venue, at 5 p.m to have ice cream first :). After eating we went to backstage to put down the violin. All the players should gather at 5.30 pm. But till 6.15 pm the teacher had not came yet because there was a problem about the other players. So after preparing chair, stand books, microphones, etc the concert was begun at 7.00 pm. They played 2o songs. Concert was begun with Doraemon theme songs. After about 2 hours, the concert was finish. I like Victory very much. It was played solo violin by Rama.. I think he is a good player. But Amy is good violin player too. The last song is Amigos and it was sung by Diva. After concert, me, Amy, Amy's mom and grandmother had a little dinner at Excelso. We had to back home soon because we had to prepare for tomorrow, you know we are going to Solo :). Ok.. That's Amy's concert with The Concerto : Doraemon, Nobita and Dinosaurs

    We are Back

    Hi, after 3 days we didn't post anything now we are back and ready to post our story and tips. And we want to remind you don't forget to share with us at Thanks :)

    Thursday, July 10, 2008

    Share with Us!

    Hei everybody.. We want to tell u all. If u want to share ur love story, ask us something or u have a love problem, just send us an email and we will post ur story and for question we will answer it. Don't be shy to share with us. We only write ur email inside the post. OK :) Just send an email to Thank all... :)

    Wednesday, July 9, 2008

    We are Coming Solo.. ^^

    Hei.. Today is Wednesday. We went to school this day for fingering stamp for our graduation certificate.. And then we went to bookstore.. After lunch we didnt have anything to do so we post this article. Next Friday we will go to Solo, to Pandawa Water Park. We won't go by ourselves only but we will also with our friends. They are Qthyl, Aisa, Aryana, Jom2, and Va-Ut.. Haha.. So we can't wait to go there. This is not our first experience going to Solo with our friends. Dec 06 we went to Solo to with our friends. So, this is the second time.. But it is the first time we swim with our friends.. Ok... We will tell u all our stories after we going home on Saturday.. Ok... Bye everyone.. See u again.. We are coming Solo....^^

    Important Factors of Healthy Relationships

    There are many important factors of healthy relationships, honesty, respect, trust, love, commitment and kindness to name a few. Without all of these, relationships struggle to succeed. In the world today, lasting relationships are becoming a thing of the past. Separation and divorce have replaced those long lasting partnerships.

    Honesty is one of the values that seem to have lost credibility. Honesty means saying what is true and fact, even if that truth hurts. By becoming someone that your partner wants you to be, you are no longer being honest. If you can't be who you are with your partner, the factor of dishonesty continues to grow and grow. Being honest with yourself is a very difficult thing to do at times.

    When honesty is present, then respect follows very closely. Respect is necessary in any relationship. It doesn't matter if it is a love relationship, family, business or friends. To respect another person, is not to control their lives. It is more to encourage them to grow personally. Respect is a two way street, it has to be given to be received and is most likely earned. Without it, there is mere control in the relationship.

    After being hurt in relationships, trust is a challenge to give again. It is a vital thing for a relationship to work. It is hard to give trust again after having been hurt. To trust is to take a risk, and without these risks, it's almost as if you don't really live, just exist. But after your trust has been betrayed, those risks are the farthest thing from your mind. Trusting yourself after a betrayal is the first thing that has to be overcome. You question yourself about your ability to make good decisions as far as whom to trust.

    Dating Tips - How to start?

    Get prepared for the date:

    It's amazing how often this step is overlooked. While appearance isn't everything, cleaning yourself up before going out goes a long way. The saying goes - “You can't change the genes in you, but you can change the jeans your in.” and it's absolutely true. Wearing a nice clean shirt, some neat pressed pants, and an up-to-date pair of underwear makes the impression that you are able to take care of yourself and also reflects good hygiene. While this might seem like common knowledge, it's overlooked often enough to earn it's place on our dating tips list:

    Keep busy before your date:
    Idle minds have time to over-think and over-complicate the situation. Don't dedicate the entire day to waiting for your date to happen, you're a busy person with lots of things to do – and if you don't have anything to do – find something! We've created a checklist of things you could be doing on our site. Your time is important, you're important – which brings us to the next tip.

    Never seem too available:
    Desperation is the king of date killers. You need to keep the mindset that you are an important busy person that your date is lucky to know. While you can have a mutual respect for your date (even without knowing them intimately) you are taking time from your busy schedule to give her a chance. By always being available, never hanging up the phone first, or constantly calling your date– you're almost guaranteeing you won't have a second date.

    Recharge your batteries:
    Dating can be tiring, especially when managing multiple dates with different women. If you feel like taking a night off – a weekend off – a week off go ahead and do it. Your dates will understand that you're busy or have personal matters to attend to and they will be there when you're ready to share your time with them. If they request that you have a drink with them on Friday night, just let them know that you'd like to but can't make it this Friday – it's that simple. You're not required to share with them why you can't make it, but it's suggested that you schedule another time you're available to talk or go out.
    By taking some time off you can be in top condition both mentally and physically.

    Drop the comparisons between new and old dates:
    Phrases like “Jennifer is cute, but not as cute as Sarah – the girl I met last week” are sabotaging your relationship with Jennifer. Compare dating to playing the lottery, the more you play – the better your chances of winning. Whether you define winning as forming a long and exclusive relationship or just getting your date into bed you have a much better chance if you play the odds. If your date is attractive and intelligent enough to date in the first place, she's already met your qualifications – why further limit your options?

    Be prepared for a fresh take on dating:
    Let's face it, technology plays a big part in our lives whether you notice it or not. If you've been out of the dating loop for several years or haven't really ever been in the loop you need to learn to use technology to your advantage in the world of dating. Fortunately we're not just talking about microwave ovens and longer lasting light bulbs here – we're talking about communication mediums. Text messages, emails, instant messages – these are all forms of communication that modern people use and can use for dating. While the traditional “Hey baby, what's your number?” is still alive and kicking, it's often easier to get positive response if you're asking for something less personal such as an email or IM name. You may find that fairly often they write down their phone number just in case you can't get in touch with them on line anyway. Aside from communication methods, the Internet provides for an interesting new medium of meeting people. The “Online Dating Craze” has started to become acceptable and extremely effective in matching hot dates.

    taken from

    Waiting Her Having Her Nail Arts

    Huhh.. Today is so hot.. Now I am at Lie Kuang Salon with my girlfriend. She is going to have her first nail arts.. Haha.. We had to wait 1 hours because there was something problem with our appoinment. Hehe.. Now it is 3 o'clock. She is choosing the design for her nails. Hehe.. Need a lot of time to choose I think. 15 minutes is not enough.. She is just choosing and feeling confused. Hehe.. Look pict beside. Hehe. Ok.. It is almost half an hour and her nails is the same with before. Nothing happens.. Haha... It is boring enough for me.. But it is ok.. That is not weird to company our girlfriend having treatments for her body, isn't it? I am only browsing and I think post something is a good idea. Ok.. please wait.

    03.35 pm..

    03.40 pm..

    Finally after waiting for 40 minutes Amy is getting her nails painted now.. Hehe.. Want to see her? Just look picture under...
    Ok.. I am waiting her now... How long it takes for painting her nails??

    03.50 pm...

    04.oo pm...

    04.10 pm... Being tired now... Hehe :)

    I tell you.. Her nails paintings have been erased twice.. Haha.. Painting nails is not easy actually...

    04.30 pm.. OMG, it isnt done yet...

    04.45 pm.. Her nails are being heating.. I hope it will be over soon... Look picture below..

    04.50 pm... I think it is almost done..

    05.00 pm.. OMG, it takes so long time to make it very dry...

    05.05 pm.. Finally it's done.. And this is the result...

    Ok.. See u all tomorrow.. Going home now to take a rest... Bye..

    Keep the Romance Alive in Long Distance Relationships

    Long distance relationships are no longer unusual in today's society. In fact, they're almost the norm! Internet dating, career relocation and higher education needs have created a worldwide singles scene for today's savvy single. These days, it's possible your girlfriend or boyfriend lives across the country - or even across the world!

    Unfortunately, maintaining a long distance relationship isn't always easy. The lack of private time together - coupled with different environments and experiences - can stress even the most loving of relationships. Fortunately, there are some easy ways to keep the spark alive when your lover is miles away.

    * Use technology! E-mail, text messages and instant messaging are simple ways to "touch base" regularly without the time (and long distance bill!) of a phone call. A quick note to tell your lover that you're thinking of him/her can be enough to keep the fires burning.

    * Go old-fashioned! Sure, technology is easy and convenient. But there's nothing like an old-fashioned letter to really touch the heart of the one you love. Since you have plenty of time to think about the words you want to say, your letter should be both heartfelt and meaningful. Use elegant stationary to make it even more special.

    * Send a gift! Skip the ubiquitous bouquet of flowers and, instead, send something personal and unique. If she's a bookworm, send a first edition copy of her favorite book. If he's a music lover, create a CD mix of his favorite songs. You'll send the message that you're thoughtful and creative.

    * Make a date! Do you both enjoy the same TV show? Are you both horror movie fans? Make a telephone date to watch a show or film together. Even though you aren't in the same room, you still get the closeness that comes from a shared experience.

    * Meet halfway! Nothing beats personal time together. If a long distance separates you, consider meeting halfway. Even one weekend together can recharge your relationship. Bonus: You can choose a romantic B&B or country inn so you get plenty of privacy.

    taken from

    Keep Romance Alive in Long Distance Relationship

    Is the heat in your long distance relationship fizzling? Do your letters to each other read more like weather reports instead of romance novels? Do you find yourself talking to your love the same way a phone call with your mother sounds? This article will help you to reinitiate the “longing” into your long distance relationship. The first thing I would like to address is the subject of letters. The written word is the all important glue that holds a love story together, especially one that spans miles. Letter writing, specifically love letters, have become a lost art in these technology advanced days. With all of the love songs based on such postal treasures, you would think that more people would take the hint. There is nothing more exciting then to find a envelope with that familiar handwriting on it amongst all of the bills after a long day. The anticipation of sitting down and reading something so personal, in private, is one of the best things in a long distance relationship, second only to actually seeing each other. In fact it can produce the same butterfly effect as a, long waited for, visit. The excitement is short lived, however, if it is only found to contain the same things that were just discussed last night. Letters are about what’s missing without the other person being there, not what’s actually going on in their absence. A true love letter encompasses all of the emotions being apart creates. It is filled with words of love and lust, of loneliness and longing. Save the activities of work and free time for other forms of communication. Don’t know how to write such epic poetry? Then find a card that says it all for you or a few of them so you’ll have weeks of material to send. Don’t have time to even search for cards? Then grab some of the postcards that are found in the front of many stores, coffee shops and gas stations. What you write on the back can funny, romantic or down-right lustful. It’s all to you. I’ll give you an example. Let’s say the front has a beautiful picture of the sun setting over the ocean. You’re caption could read Ever been skinny dipping?- Or- I long for the future when we’ll be able to watch every sunset together.- Or- Us, a bottle of wine, some strawberries, no cups, no plates, and it being to dark for others to see. Don’t have a flare for such things? Then you can simply write: This made me think of you. I am not talking flowing prose here (at least not all the time), just avoid the standard this is how my day went format. Things of an informational nature should be left for e-mails, instant messages and phone calls. Speaking of phone calls and the beloved internet- I want to point out that it doesn’t hurt to spice things up every once and while in these areas either. A sexy message left on your significant other’s voice mail can be a sweet surprise mixed in with all the standard call backs. The same goes for e-mails. Even a short- I was just thinking about you- can brighten up anyone’s long day. As for instant messages, just make sure that your partner really is the one on the computer (With all these automatic sign ins- you never know) and that he is alone, before typing anything to racy or gushy. Unless you want to end up in one of those Most Embarrassing Moments sections of a well-known magazine.

    taken from

    Love, Non2 (English Version)

    Without you
    Willmake me lonely
    I need you
    As i need air for breathing
    A lot of moments we have passed
    Almost everytime I spent with you
    I never feel bored to be beside you
    Love.. Love..
    Your question has been answered
    Now I know
    1 years is equal to 1 month, isnt it?^^
    There is something different inside
    You are SPECIAL

    Sometime i feel afraid
    How it will be when we are separated?
    That's not a good moment to be passed
    But it has to be passed
    Let our relationship always special
    And it will the best...

    Love, Non2


    Tak ada kamu
    Membuatku trasa sepi
    Aku butuh kamu
    Seperti aku butuh udara untuk bernapas
    Sudah banyak hal yang kita lewati
    Hampir setiap saat aku habiskan waktuku sama kamu
    Aku tak pernah bosan berada bersamamu
    Cinta.. Cinta...
    Pertanyaanmu terjawab
    1 tahun= 1 bulan ya?^^
    Ada yang beda dari kamu
    Yang membuatku selalu ingin bersama denganmu

    Kadang aku takut..
    Bagaimana kalau nanti kita berpisah?
    Itu kenyataan yang pahit..
    Namun, harus dihadapi
    Aku hanya bisa berdoa
    Biarlah hubungan kita akan selalu indah
    Supaya menjadi yang terbaik nantinya


    Yup.. Finally we make our first blog.. :) . We are confused to post something in this blog. But, exactly this blog is for communicating with our friends, especially from SMA Kolese Loyola. Haha.. Then, this blog is also for sharing. Especially for couples.. Haha. If u have a problem, we will help u as possible as we can.. O.. For everyone who doesnt know us.. We tell u.. We are a couple who have been having relationship for 2,5 years till now exactly. And we will have study in different country. So we made this blog to communicate each other, share. Not for us only, but also for everyone, couple, and our friends. Ok.. Hoping we can post something good and useful in this blog. Haha.